Guess Which Tweezer the Beauty Editor of Cosmopolitan Magazine Uses?

Guess Which Tweezer the Beauty Editor of Cosmopolitan Magazine Uses?

Leigh Campbell gave the peeps over at Citizens of the World an inside look at her beautiful, light-filled home. And what a magnificent home it is! Styled to perfection! As we were perusing the beautiful photos taken by Dominic Loneragan, dreaming of all the things we’d change in our own apartments, a pair of Tweezerman Slant Tweezers caught our curious eye. In fact, the Tweezerman Slant Tweezer in the ever classic Zebra print! Spot ‘em below.

Citizens of the World Leigh Campbell Tweezerman TweezersIMAGE VIA CITIZENS OF THE WORLD

Tweezerman Zebra Slant Tweezer from What makes Tweezerman so good that a beauty editor from a world famous magazine would have them in her own bedroom? It’s all in the tips. The secret to Tweezerman’s effectiveness is the perfectly aligned, hand finished tips. As we say at i-glamour, “Use Tweezerman once and you’ll never want to go back”. Check ‘em out here. Now back to the fun stuff. Pictured are a couple more home beauty styling ideas from Leigh. After this, we’d love to see how Leigh’s office is styled. Pretty please, Citizens of the World!

Leigh Campbell via Citizens of the World

Leigh Campbell Beauty Setup by Citizens of the World


To see more…Follow Leigh Campbell on Instagram @leighacampbell,Citizens of the World on Instagram at @citizensoftheworld.

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